Nevermind Restaurant at Cape St Francis

Located on the edge of the peninsula, adjacent to the historic Seal Point Lighthouse and with spectacular wrap around ocean views, Nevermind restaurant not only has an awe-inspiring location that makes it a must-visit destination, it also has superb food and menu offerings that are a feast for the senses.

Standing at 27,75 meters, the Seal Point Lighthouse, is the tallest masonry lighthouse in South Africa and is situated on the South Easternmost Point of Africa. Built in 1878, the lighthouse is still operational with a modern radio beacon, fog signal and fog detector and houses a museum. Having been closed for over 10 years it was then renovated by a visionary team into a boutique hotel with two suites with furniture and memorabilia from former lighthouse keepers. This same team also developed the adjacent Nevermind restaurant.

Executive Chef and Director Wesley Randles was the creative director being a member of the unique team that orchestrated the upgrade of the Seal Point Lighthouse and the opening of the restaurant which both opened simultaneously in 2021. Says Randles “Something I didn’t anticipate is how super proud the locals would be to have us here, which means everything to us. Setting up a restaurant that was appealing to the locals and having them come in for coffee and lunch on a regular basis was very important to us from the beginning. Here you’ll be able to come straight off the beach with sandy feet and enjoy a great meal with your family in an incredible location.”

“Having been involved with fine dining I had always developed my menus around my ingredients, but here without the luxury of regular suppliers with an extensive daily catalogue of ingredients to choose from, we had to adapt and start sourcing ingredients the way the community does and support local suppliers. We therefore source fresh fish caught in the bay daily, I hunt with a team of friends all the venison for the restaurant, processing it right here, and we use fresh produce from the locals. It’s more ethical knowing exactly where your meat and produce comes from, and we cook it simply, letting the produce speak for itself. Here it is not just another plate of food, but one that has been shaped and developed from the very roots, which makes our menu much more special. “

“Additionally our whole plan was also to contribute to the community and we have upskilled over 50 staff members who are employed full time and we just want to continue making a positive impact as that is everything for us”.

Leveraging off a spectacular positioning with a large outside deck with views across the wild side, the lighthouse, and the ocean beyond this jewel of a restaurant, café, and bakery is totally beguiling guests with its gorgeous fare.

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